Friday, September 23, 2005

Looking towards the future...

Well, I'm FINALLY starting to get out of the worst of my pregnancy sickness, and it feels so nice to not NEED to be horizontal all the time. This pregnancy is truly following the pattern set by my pregnancy with Aaron, almost down to the week. I start feeling sick around 7 weeks, I gradually get worse and worse until around 10 weeks where I can hardly function due to being so sick, and then I wake up one morning...and the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, and all seems relatively right in the world. I'm just now getting to that point. I'm still pretty tired and a little sick, but the fact that I'm sitting upright typing at the computer is a sure sign that I'm on the mend, at least.

So, enough about that. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my being super sick. The big news affecting pretty much the whole Coombs family (Great 8) is all the real estate developments going on in St. George that may have most of the family moving to St. George by next summer, getting their real estate licenses, and helping dad sell new homes in Hurricane and Apple Valley. It's a great oppportunity for everyone, and what makes it even more special is the chance to have the whole family together. Of course, nothing is set in stone or finalized yet. It's pretty much a waiting game at the moment as we see if the investors like the property and want to start developing it. The hardest part for us, of course, it the thought of leaving all of our friends whom we moved to Arizona to be close to in the first place. We'll see what happens...there are still a lot of prayers and pondering to take place, but it's an exciting opportunity to think about, no matter what happens!

Well, that's the big news from us. Jon is looking forward to his two weeks off at the beginning of October (oh, the joys of being a teacher), and I'm looking forward to finally getting some energy back. We sure love you all!

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