Tuesday, May 09, 2006

She's here!!

Okay, this is the second time I've had to write this entry, since the first time my internet stopped working just as I was finishing, and of course I lost everything. After boycotting my blog for a few days out of sheer frustration, I am now back and will hopefully be able to finish this time. I'm sorry for the delay in getting this out--I've been called to repentance by more than a few of you for not sending out pictures, etc., of the newest member of our family sooner, so let me take this grand opportunity to introduce you all to our precious little girl.

After 5 days of impatient waiting (Sarah was due on April 19th), Sarah Ashlyn Coombs finally joined our family at 6:35 a.m. Monday morning, April 24th. She weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz., was 20 inches long, and was simply perfect--healthy, rosy, and everything else you hope a baby to be. She was born with a whole head of light brown/dark blond hair, and while her eyes are dark blue at the moment, I have a feeling that she might end up with brown eyes, which I'm sure will make her a favorite with Grandpa Coombs. (Sarah's cousin Haley is the only other grandchild with brown eyes, and Grandpa Coombs loves brown eyes.)

For those of you who know what I went through following the birth of my first child (not being able to hardly walk for 4 months, etc.), you can imagine that I was more than a little apprehensive preparing for Sarah's delivery. Let me just say that I have an extreme testimony of the power of prayer, and a great big thank you to everyone who kept me in their prayers over the last several months, because this delivery was nothing like what I went through with Aaron. I finally discovered what having a baby is supposed to be like.

I actually went into labor on my own around midnight late Sunday night and we headed to the hospital a little after 3 a.m., made it to the hospital by 4 a.m., started pushing at 6:20 a.m., and had Sarah in my arms at 6:35 a.m. By Monday afternoon I was actually up and walking around, and I left the hospital to go home at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, less than 36 hours after I had arrived. In comparison, Aaron had to be induced 10 days after his due date, required 12 hours of pitocin (the labor-inducing drug) before I was able to push, another 2 hours of pushing to convince him to come out, and then another 2 hours of being stitched up to repair the damage he did to me on his way out. (Now you know why it took 4 months to recover.) Since Sarah's birth, I've been feeling really good, albeit tired from late night feedings and a lack of naps. (Having 2 kids means that by the time I'm done meeting the needs of one kid, the other one requires attention.)

As for personality, Sarah is just precious. She mostly just sleeps and eats, loves to be in her swing, and likes to just cuddle up into whoever is holding her, and so far she seems to be happy being held by anyone. She basically only cries when she's hungry and when she's trying to fall asleep on her own (a skill I'm trying desperately to have her learn), and has a little fussy period in the evening, a very typical infant trait. Of course, she's still only 2 weeks old, so we'll see if anything changes as she spends more time awake, but after living through Aaron's colic, Sarah's crying seems like nothing.

As for Aaron, he's being great. He's such a sweet boy anyway, and after a short adjustment time, he seems to be actually trying to live up to his role as a big brother, helping out his mom, being more responsible, and listening more when I ask him to do something. He has no problems with Sarah at all and excitedly squeals whenever he takes notice of her, but he does, however, get a little tempermental when I have to nurse her and can't dedicate my full attention to him. Don't I know that he's supposed to be the center of my universe and that I'm supposed to leap up at his every request? Luckily my mom was here the first week to help keep Aaron entertained and Mom and Dad Coombs are here now to help out. But I do think having a sibling will be good for Aaron, hopefully teaching him a little patience as he begins to realize the world doesn't revolve around him, a tough lesson for any 20-month-old.

So, now you've all been introduced to our new sweet Sarah and have been updated on all the excitement here at the Coombs home. I'm sure there is much more to share, but since I want to make sure I get this out to you all today, I'll have to wait for another day to write any more. We love you all and thank you all for all of your love, prayers, calls, and concern. We are grateful everyday for all of you in our lives!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sarah's Here!!

Sarah Ashlyn Coombs was born at 6:35 a.m. Monday morning, April 24, 2006. She weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long. And more than anything, she's a perfect angel.
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